Code of conduct for students

1. Students should plan to arrive to class on time and to stay for the entire class period (or until dismissed) because random arrivals and exits are disrespectful and distracting.

2. Every student must obtain on admission, the college uniform which they need to wear in the college premises.

3. Ragging and sexual harassment is banned on the college campus. Anyone found guilty of ragging or sexual harassment and /or abetting ragging will be dismissed from the college and a case will be filed with the local police authorities.

4. Strict silence must be observed in a reading room and Library.

5. Students are expected to spend their free time in the library or in the common room. They should not loiter along the corridor or crowd along the passage.

8. If the academic performance of the student is not satisfactory, and the attendance is below 75% then the student is likely to be detained and will not be allowed to appear for the examinations conducted by the college on behalf of the University.

9. Food and beverages are not permitted in computer labs or classrooms. Those must be consumed in the canteen and designated areas only.

10. Smoking, drugs and consumption of alcohol on the College premises or entering the college premises, after consuming alcoholic drinks is strictly prohibited.

11. Students should be polite and respectful towards all the college staff and their fellow friends.

12. Students are expected to take proper care of college property and help the college authorities in keeping the premises clean. Damaging college property is breach of discipline, and the guilty will be duly punished.

13 The College is not responsible for lost property. However, student may make a claim for lost property at the office, if it is deposited in the College Office.

14. All College activities are to be organized under the guidance and approval of the Principal.

15. Students using unfair means at examinations will not be readmitted to the College. Actions will be initiated against such students as per the norms and procedure prescribed by the University.

16. It is the responsibility of the students to read the notice put up in the notice boards/updated in the WhatsApp group regularly for important announcements made by the College office from time to time.