8768554868 (12PM TO 4PM) | shreeagrasenmahavidyalaya@gmail.com
1.A student, once admitted in one subject may change to any other subject only within the date fixed by the University and subject to availability, with an intimation in prescribed proforma to the Principal, subject to fulfillment of other criteria and norms.
2. All student must always carry their College Identity Card with them while entering the College premises and are bound to display their Card when asked by the authorities.
3. Each student must come to the College decently attired maintain proper decorum and discipline in the College premises and take care not to destroy any College property.
4. Every student must observe the College Notice Board daily and comply with instructions displayed thereon, failing which the College will not be responsible for any inconvenience faced by them.
5. Any student failing to attend at least 75% of the total classes will be declared discollegiate.
6. Any student failing to attend at least 65% of the total classes held per subject during total academic year will not be allowed to sit for Annual Examination.
7. In matters mentioned above and in all other incidental and ancillary matters thereto, the decision of the College will be final and binding upon the student.