8768554868 (12PM TO 4PM) | shreeagrasenmahavidyalaya@gmail.com
The Department of History of Shree Agrasen Mahavidyalaya started its journey in the year of 1995, along with the establishment of the college itself. Initially the department offered the General course. In the year 2004, Honours course was introduced, which carried forward the real benefit to a large number of adjacent rural students in the locality. Presently, the department intake is 75 students in the Graduate Honours Course. The students of the department have excelled in various spheres of life through their academic and extracurricular activities. With the help of College Library, Class Test, Debate, Group Discussion, Excursion, Seminar, Local historical places visit, Museum visit etc. students of history are benefited immensely for their future life. We have highly dedicated and committed faculty members who always have tried to enrich themselves by attending national and international conferences, presenting papers, attending various workshops. As a whole, the department of History stands out to the venture of transforming itself to the next orbit of academic excellence.
The Department also organizes state, national and international level Seminar with international delegation funded by different bodies like UGC, ICSR and ICHR for the academic enrichment of this region. The faculties are keen on initiating research and a minor project is currently running in the department. Dr.Sanat Kumar Adhikari is the principal investigator in one minor research project from ICHR. The Department every year also conducts Departmental Educational Tour to improve the practical knowledge in Historical and Social research field. Guest speakers with particular expertise are invited, whenever necessary, to deliver lectures on specialized topics.
The History Department aims to make the students aware of the past and its legacies through teaching, research and extension activities in Indian history in the context of world history. We believe that only a critical understanding of the past will enable the students to understand the present and help them look towards the future.
Transform the students into citizens who are critically informed about the past and its consequences for the present.
Empower students to cope with the challenges of globalization by instilling in them a life-long passion for learning about the past. The knowledge about the interconnections between the global, national, regional and local history will equip the students to face the challenges with confidence.
Assistant Professor
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