8768554868 (12PM TO 4PM) | shreeagrasenmahavidyalaya@gmail.com
Department of philosophy has started its journey with the establishment of Shree AgrasenMahavidyalaya. Presently the department has one guest teacher. Eminent students from various schools are associated with the department and extended their academic help with their special classes, special lectures and other academic activities. The department has its motto of spreading critical and rational knowledge among the students.
Philosophy, the mother of all branches of human knowledge is regarded as the best of all the inspirational goddesses of literature, science, and the arts. The roots of all the trends of modern thought as well as the post modern can be traced in philosophy. philosophy is the instrument in the mind of man for the emancipation of mankind. Philosophy is a way of thinking about certain subjects such as ethics, thought, existence, time, meaning and value. Its always aims to provide comprehensive knowledge of all aspects related to our lives and world. Philosophy, being a critical inquiry, strengthens our conceptual knowledge, sharpens our thinking mind, enriches our understanding and expands our mental skyline.
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