8768554868 (12PM TO 4PM) | shreeagrasenmahavidyalaya@gmail.com
The Department of Physical Education started its journey in the year 2015. Department has set off with 10 students, gradually it increased and at present student strength is 32. The students keep in touch with the Department as Alumni. Besides teaching, the Department organizes Yoga Seminar, Annual Sports, Gym Training and Group discussion, so that they can keep themselves abreast with time. There was only one faculty member initially, Sri Shyam Sundor Protihar, as a Guest teacher. In the year 2016 Sri Chandrajit Adhikary and in the year 2018 Sri Pandab Kumar Singha joined the Department as a Guest Teacher. The Physical Education Department is currently run by two State Aided College Teacher “Mr. Chandrajit Adhikary and Mr. Pandab Kumar Singha.
Above all, the faculty member is always ready to render all possible assistance and guidance to students within and outside the campus as and when required. Consequently students get through the final examination with flying colours every year and go for further higher studies.
There is a Library in College with separate reading room. The Department does not have its own library but the Department has collection of some books which are often provided to the students. Internet facilities are currently available for both Teacher and Students.
The Department with its available infrastructure and a good Gym Room is running smoothly with good team spirit among other faculty members of Physical Education Department. Under the circumstances; we do everything possible to enrich the students in such a way so that they can easily keep pace with the advanced learning at an optimum level. Teacher-student relationship is the most noticeable feature of the Department. We are easily accessible to students and without hesitation they can express their difficulties to us and we maintain a friendly relationship in the Department.
Contractual Guest Teacher
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Physical Education